Men at Arms (Discworld book 15, Watch book 2) by Terry Pratchett 387 pages
Vimes is getting married, the Night Watch is taking on new “men,” and as usual something evil must be tracked down and dealt with for the safety of Ankh-Morpork.
Book Review
This story really lets Carrot shine. He can’t figure out a pun or irony, but he can lead. Carrot came off a bit simple in the first Watch book, so I like how, although he still misses things, his simplicity is a virtue. Everyone else with complex ideas of right and wrong fall apart in the face of Carrot’s simple ideas. There are a few more serious moments than other Pratchett books, but that shows the characters and their strength. I love the moment when Sybil Ramkin realizes that Vimes needs the watch to be Vimes, and kindly nudges him back into it. None of this, give-it-up-for-me nonsense. Just common sense.