A secret society plans to overthrow the government with a dragon! The Night Watch for the city of Ankh-Morpork is captained by a drunk, and as a group is determined to avoid any danger. Can they find any kind of courage that isn’t liquid so that they can save Ankh-Morpork?
Book Review (Spoilers)
The Watch books are my favorite within the Discworld series. This book is a hilarious start to the Night Watch story. Even though it is a comedy that has me giggling straight through, it also has magnificent character arcs. Captain Vimes begins the book as a hopeless drunk. The watch as a whole is pretty useless. Yet through this story they start to spend more time sober, and they stand up to danger, instead of running from it. Most importantly, we get to meet Lady Sybil Ramkin, who is probably the bravest character simply because she’s willing to love a man like Vimes in his current condition. We get glimpses throughout of what he can be with more resolve and less alcohol, but Lady Ramkin seems to see a better man in him than even he believes can be there. Together they make a formidable team. Dragons, awkward romance, a human dwarf innocently arresting everyone in the city, and a thief as a guard in the watch, and a Sargent who hates thinking. This is one of my favorite books, and the rest of the Night Watch books are even better.