SiG Reacts: Wonder Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual conversation we had after watching the Wonder Woman movie:
-It’s SO GOOD!
-I can’t believe how awesome it was!
-Like, an entire movie ABOUT WONDER WOMAN!
-I mean, they didn’t try to make it about someone else with a dash of Wonder Woman. It’s HER movie.
-Yes. I know what you meant.
-Okay. I thought you would but I just had to point it out.
-I know. Because Wonder Woman. We’ve been waiting for this for a long ass time.
-I cried every time her theme music played.
-I just cried whenever she kicked some ass.
-Oh, that too.
-It was hard not to cry.
-It was almost relief crying, in a way. Is that weird?
-I’m not saying you’re not weird, but THAT isn’t weird.
-Also Etta Candy.
-I KNOW. She’s so great. “The pay is rather good.”
-I liked Robin Wright.
-She was amazing!
-She’s always amazing.
-I liked that there is a lot of really iconic imagery from the comics.
-When are we seeing it again?
(To be fair, we ask that question after every movie we like.)
Also there was this:

And this:

And some of this:

A bit of this:

Some of this:

And this:

Frankly not enough of this:

Or enough of this:

Oh, and there was this:

And probably not nearly enough of this:

But there was so much of this:

So anyway.
It’s a really great movie.
You should totally go see it.