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Doctor Who: Casting is Amazing for 13th Doctor

Doctor Who: Casting is Amazing for 13th Doctor

The new Doctor was announced Sunday morning. It is Jodie Whittaker! This is an amazing choice. Doctor Who has always been about change and wonder. Change with each regeneration of the Doctor, change with each companion’s story arc, and change to new companions. Wonder about new 

Do Gargoyles Eat Eclairs? An Interview With Amalie Howard

Do Gargoyles Eat Eclairs? An Interview With Amalie Howard

Another Denver Comic Con is in the books, and once again we had the pleasure of sitting down with one of our favorite Colorado authors, the award-winning Amalie Howard. We chatted about all sorts of things, including her new romance series, diversity in YA literature 

Shannis Reacts: Denver Comic Con 2017 Diary – Day One

Shannis Reacts: Denver Comic Con 2017 Diary – Day One

  3:52am Whaaaaat? Why am I awake? Roll over, close eyes. 4:18am Obviously it is time to get up. Since it is Friday, and a vacation day, and I don’t need to be up for another two hours. 4:36am My head hurts. Shower should help. 

DCC Last Minute SQUEEEEEEing

DCC Last Minute SQUEEEEEEing

TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE DENVER COMIC CON AND AND ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE… SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Alright, I don’t have time for a fancy organized post. So here are some random last minute con prep thoughts! 1. You, fellow nerd-person, are formally invited to attend our Denver Comic 

DCC 2017 Preview: Authors!

DCC 2017 Preview: Authors!

Comic Cons are always a series of difficult nerd choices. Who do I meet? Which panels do I go to? What do I do when I’m not buying more art than I have wall space for. (I’m considering putting art on my ceiling now.) I’ve 

Ermergerd It’s Almost Time for Denver Comic Con

Ermergerd It’s Almost Time for Denver Comic Con

DCC is only a few days away, and we can barely contain our excitement here at SiG headquarters. I want to see everyone and everything and talk to everyone and buy all the art, but I am an adult gods damn it, and I know