DCC 2018: Day One Highlights
After a bit of a bumpy takeoff, Denver Comic Con is in full swing at the downtown Convention Center. We had an absolute blast on day one, catching up with our favorite artists, seeing old friends and scoping out some excellent panels. We’ll do more in depth articles about the panels later, but for now we’ve got some highlights and pictures from yesterday’s adventures!

As always, Artist Valley is filled with ridiculously talented people, and I have already blown my budget out if the water. But it’s worth it to support the amazing artists that share their work with us every year! Check out our Twitter for more beautiful art and directions on finding all the best #critter art at the Con!

Shannon and I started our Con day at the It’s the End of The World as We Know It Well….Sort Of featuring the authors above talking dystopia, post-apocalyptic settings and how all writers are actually just processing the trauma of middle/high school when they write about the end of the world. Which, really when you think about it? Makes total sense. It was a great panel to start off Con, and everyone was engaging, funny and delightful.
After this, we split up. Megan was buying all the art and furiously tweeting out booth numbers and pictures, while Shannon and I made our way to some more superb panels.
In between all panels and artists, there was amazing cosplay, fun conversations, and not enough water.

We’re back for Day Two with more pics, panels and fun to come! Hope to see you there. We’re the ones in the really nerdy shirts!