DCC 2018: Come to Our Panels!
It’s just a little over a week until Denver Comic Con opens its doors for 2018 and the hype is real at Sisters in Geek HQ! This year we are absolutely thrilled to announce that we have three panels on the Con schedule. We hope you join us!
Saturday June 16th at 12pm – World Building 101: Designing Your Homebrew Tabletop World – Room 607

Have you ever wanted to run a TTRPG campaign in your own fantastical or sci-fi realm? It sounds intimidating, but don’t fret. We’ve got you covered with an exciting group of panelists discussing how to get started inventing your own world to invite players into. From expanding on existing materials like The Witcher or Exandria with your own characters and stories, to creating a complete and in-depth world all your own, there are tips, tricks and secrets galore to help you setup an amazing adventure for your party. Hosted by the Sisters’ very own Carolyn and featuring some fabulous local DMs, we’ll be sharing online tools, methods, podcasts and more to get you rolling initiative, building cities and inventing magnificent gods, magic and loot. This panel is open to all ages, skill levels and systems. Come with questions and ideas and your sense of adventure!
Sunday June 17th at 11am – Critical Role Fan Panel – Room 607

Let’s show DCC the power of the #critters! An opportunity to hang out, share our love of all things Critical Role and all in all just chat about the best D&D show on the internet. (No, we aren’t at all biased, why on earth do you ask?) Carolyn and Megan will be joined by fellow Critter and artist extraordinaire, Meg Kirkpatrick (who PS has had her art featured on stream) and one of the most fun Critters Carolyn knows, Travis Kozik, to share their favorite fan theories, art and artists bringing the world of Critical Role alive and much more. So strap on your best cosplay and bring your favorite Critical Role memories and be ready to get to know your fellow fans! All ages welcome, but please be warned: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS for both campaigns. Hard to talk about the show without talking about what happens.
Sunday June 1th at 1:30PM – LFG: A Tabletop Gaming Meetup – Room 605

Calling all players and DMs! Are you looking for a new table to join, or maybe some new players? Then this is the panel for you. Join Carolyn, Megan, Christian and Shayla as they facilitate a meetup of local gamers and DMs. All systems, ages and skill levels are encouraged to stop into Room 605, grab a name tag and start making new TTRPG friends. We’ll be helping make introductions, sharing information about our many FLGS and the events that they run all over Colorado. The right table and gaming system is out there for you, let us help you find it!
There are plenty of other exciting tabletop gaming panels, voice actor interviews and amazing artists at Con next weekend, and we encourage you to check out DCC’s full programming schedule to start planning your Con weekend! Look for us not just at our panels, but on the Con floor all weekend snapping pics, squeeing over amazing cosplay and just generally acting like the super geeks that we are!
Denver Comic Con (DCC) is a 3-day, family-friendly pop culture fan extravaganza, featuring the best in pop culture entertainment. DCC is a program of the Colorado nonprofit Pop Culture Classroom, whose mission is to inspire a love of learning, to increase literacy, celebrate diversity and build community through pop culture education. The proceeds from this annual event benefit Pop Culture Classroom’s overall educational endeavors.
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