DCC 2018 Artist Preview: Elisa Wikey
Elisa Wikey is a very silly artist. Last year she sold me tiny framed art of butter. Tiny framed butter! That should say it all, but if not, then just ask her to turn someone into Ron Swanson. She’ll do it! Don’t believe me? Check her Ron-A-Day! At times, she’s silly-deep, and you have a thoughtful moment starting at a cute little thing. I admit, I’m obsessed with nerdy fan art of my favorite characters, but sometimes, you want art that surprises your brain and makes you laugh.
What do most people come to your booth to talk to you about?
Most people who stop to chat usually talk about something in their lives that my art has reminded them of or that they connect with. I do sometimes have other artists stop by to talk shop (paper quality, manufacturing, taxes!) which I absolutely love to discuss. I also get people giving suggestions for new pieces which I don’t mind because I like to know what people are looking for!
What new thing do you want everyone to know about?
I have 2 new enamel pins as I further expand into products versus prints. I’ve also got brand new Tiny Framed Things and I’m making custom mini art at the convention, too! My style has been evolving over the last year and my returning fans will find things they haven’t seen from me yet.
What person, panel, or event at DCC are you most excited for?
Alan Tudyk. I probably won’t have time to go meet him but it’s cool to know he’s in the building. I loved his character on Powerless. Also, Jeff Smith (creator of Bone) is going to be there!
What’s your most popular item at cons?
My Tiny Framed Things have become the most popular item I have. They’re only 2.5″x3.5″ in size, which means it’s super easy to decorate at home or work without taking up a lot of space. The size and simplicity makes them really unique.
Most hilarious con story, please!
I saw Booker T once at a con; he was riding a hover board through artist alley. Someone commented on how much they also wanted a hover board and Booker T replied “You gotta get you one,” then leaned forward and sped away as fast as his wheels could take him (which wasn’t very fast at all).
I dunno, you probably had to be there for that to be as hilarious as I thought it was.
What’s the most interesting commission you’ve done?
I’ve had a lot of technically weird commissions, like Vin Diesel as Ron Swanson or turning a baby’s portrait into BB8. I think the most touching one was from a gentleman who had a sketchbook full of commissions of his son and his son’s military dog, who had both passed away in combat. That was kind of rough to figure out a way to honor this fallen soldier while still maintaining my artistic voice which tends to be on the goofier side. I knew I needed to stay true to the lightheartedness I normally bring because that’s why people commission artists -something about their style speaks to them, and it would be weird to have handed him something back that was really serious after he saw all my work was the exact opposite.
So what did you do with the commission? I must know!!! I have been sucked in!
They were in between some clouds with big smiles and wings, slapping a high five. Eternal buddies.
I had taken a photo but unfortunately it was lost transferring phones.

What can fans do to support your work beyond buying your cool stuff?
Share my work with their friends! People won’t know to find me or support me with sales unless they know I exist. It’s so easy to pass a card along, or hit share on Twitter, or take a photo and tag me on Instagram. Or sign up for my newsletter! I have a link on my website at www.elisawikey.com.

Where can we find you at con? (The app says Artist Valley AA7, AA9)
Yup, that’s right! Make sure to note it says AA, not just A. I think that’s gonna confuse some folks. DoubleA 7 and 9 is where I’ll be!
Last note – this is my longest convention that I’ve been selling at, and I appreciate all the people who come find me year after year and convince me it’s worth returning. I’m so glad to be back every year!
Elisa Wikey can also be found on her website, Twitter, and Instagram.