Snack Report: Gamer Vacation Edition

Snack Report: Gamer Vacation Edition

Video game vacations are my favorite. Going to work is torture when you’ve just started a new game and you’re busy collecting some random thing. I can’t stop collecting the random thing! If I get 5 more I can build another random thing that I 

The Mesmerizing Beauty of No Man’s Sky

The Mesmerizing Beauty of No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky, the ambitious and massive offering from Hello Games has been out for just about two weeks now. I’m nowhere near the center of the universe yet, I still have no idea what the endgame looks like, and I’ll tell you what: I’m 

Confessions of A Crafting Addict

Confessions of A Crafting Addict

My life in pursuit of the perfect video game crafting experience.

Why Can’t I Quit Destiny?

Why Can’t I Quit Destiny?

I think most everyone can agree that Destiny is a deeply flawed game. And yet. Here I am. Some 200+ hours of game time in.