Catching Up With The Walking Dead: S7 E12, Say Yes

I swear to you the episode title better not mean someone is proposing to someone. It better mean something else, like Rick’s people are begging some other people to join them to fight the Saviors.
Rick and Michonne are out scrounging for food and stuff. Driving around, busting into abandoned buildings and houses and stuff, having sex in their van, walking through the woods talking about canned beans. Because relationships in the zombie apocalypse are just as tedious as regular times.

They see some dudes golfing. Saviors? Probably. They don’t say anything because there are canned goods and batteries to discuss. They just get back in the van and keep driving. Michonne wants to go home because they’ve been out for two days. Rick’s all, “We can find batteries if we just keep driving.”
It’s good to dream, Rick.
Cut to Rosita back in Alexandria, doing something to her face. Tara comes up and they bicker about some nonsense and then talk about needing guns. Duh. What even is the point of this?
Back to Michonne and Rick. She’s waking him up because she thought she heard something large over yonder. They hope it’s a deer that they can kill and bring home to feed everyone (has that EVER worked for these people?). But it’s not. It’s a fenced off house or building of some sort and there is a Walker in military fatigues, wearing a gun, patrolling the fence. They take him out. We next see the two of them exploring the grounds, and Rick is examining some spent bullet casings.

Now Rosita is out looking for stuff too, wandering through the woods. She comes upon a house and sees a gun on the floor, just inside the open front door. A fat lady Walker comes barreling out. Rosita doesn’t appear remotely phased by this, just reaches for her weapon and dispatches the Walker. The gun turns out to be a toy. Rosita is displeased.

Back to Rick and Michonne. They’ve climbed up onto a roof and are looking around. There is an old county fair type of thing nearby and there are hundreds of Walkers pacing around there, all in military clothes and carrying guns. Rick and Michonne are hoping they can get some of the guns to take home. Michonne shoots down into the carnival to stir the Walkers up. And then the roof she and Rick are standing on collapses and they fall through.

They’re laughing where they’ve landed. I can’t quite make out what this building is. There are pallets of canned foods and stuff and Michonne and Rick agree this has to be the place they’re looking for. It definitely seems to be a military outpost of some sort. But I’m confused about the carnival.

Now Rosita is bitching at Father Gabriel, telling him everything is his fault, and he is acting smug as always. She says, “You don’t know shit about shit.” I’m inclined to agree. I loathe him.
Back to Rick and Michonne, cutting open boxes of RTE (Ready To Eat) packages. So it’s a military supply station. They share a gross candlelight dinner and talk about how they’ll move forward once Negan is gone. How they’ll bring the communities together to carry on. GROSS! He IS proposing. She says okay and then they talk some more about whether or not they should get back. He gives her a chili mac RTE. She looks touched. I’m just all like, “Mmmm, chili mac.”

Tara’s babysitting Baby Judith. Honestly I can’t believe this child is still alive after all this time. Also I had to look up her name. Who the hell ever remembers it? She’s a good listener though.

Tara tells her all about the woman at Oceanside who saved her life and asks for her advice about whether she should tell Rick about it so they end up going after their guns. Judith doesn’t have a ton of opinions about it but Tara thanks her for listening just the same.
Back to Rick and Michonne. They’re trying to do something with a car. Michonne has to lure and kill a bunch of Walkers while Rick goes to get the car. It turns out there is a Walker stuck in its windshield and it’s hella difficult to pull a Walker out of a windshield. He finally gets it out and Michonne runs over to join him. He’s going to drive them down through the Walkers to get closer to the place they’re hoping to locate the weapons. But it turns out the brakes don’t work and they overshoot where they wanted to stop and have to battle their way through the carnival with all the Walkers coming for them.

Actually this is pretty cool. It’s nice to see Michonne and Rick just down to the business of killing Walkers by hand. It’s a thing they do well so it’s cool to watch.
Then Rick gets up on some scaffolding near a ferris wheel and sees the deer and goes to shoot, but somehow falls. All the Walkers come at him and he starts shooting.

Michonne sees him go down and comes running but it takes a few minutes, and when she gets there it looks like Rick is gone and the Walkers are eating him. She drops her sword.
But it’s actually the deer they’re eating, and Rick pops back up, and he and Michonne make out, then take out a bunch more Walkers.

They then go through the yard filled with dead bodies to pick up all the guns they can find.
Awkward drive home. Michonne looks unhappy. Rick stops the van and tells her he would have liked to have stayed gone a couple more days. He hasn’t been sleeping. He feels guilty that he couldn’t save their friends. He points out that they’re going to lose more people, maybe even each other, in fighting their upcoming battles with the Saviors. Michonne is crying and tells him she can’t lose him. Rick tells her she can and he has all these reasons and it’s kind of touching and nice and maaaaaybe I teared up just for a second.

Now they’re all meeting with the Trash People and giving them the guns they found. Jadis of the Bad Hair tells Rick it’s not enough and tries to break the deal. Rick’s not having it. Rosita’s pissed. I’m with Rosita. This is nonsense, making a deal with these creepy children of the corn trash people. Rick’s like, we’re keeping 20 guns and something about a cat.

I would just like to state for the record that it is a bad idea to try wheeling and dealing with a woman with hair that bad who is the queen of a trash empire. Nothing good will come of this. Nothing at all.
Back in Alexandria, Tara’s looking for Rick. He’s looking for Rosita. Tara tells him she has something to tell him.
Rosita’s gone to Hilltop. She’s done with all of this other nonsense. She takes Sasha a super fancy gun with a long sight. The two of them are devising a plan to go into the Savior place and take out Negan. They seem aware that it’s a one-way journey.

What can possibly go wrong? Probably a lot, if I’m keeping it real.
I do still love Rick and Michonne together, though.

Stay tuned for episode 13! Maybe we’ll get to see if Daryl and Carol still exist!